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Student Unfazed by Taylor Swift Legal Threat: Public Data or Privacy Invasion?

Jack Sweeney, the college student who tracked Taylor Swift’s private jet using public data, is not worried about a potential lawsuit, according to his lawyer. Sweeney’s attorney, James Slater, believes legal action from Swift’s team lacks a strong basis and can be effectively countered.

Slater downplays the cease-and-desist letter received by Sweeney, arguing it lacks legal substance and misinterprets stalking and harassment laws. He maintains Sweeney never posed a threat to Swift and simply used publicly available information.

Aviation experts support Sweeney’s position. Tim Loranger, an aviation attorney, highlights the common practice of tracking aircraft using publicly available data and the legality of such actions. However, other legal opinions differ.

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Tre Lovell, a civil attorney, advises caution if Sweeney cannot clearly explain his motivations. Camron Dowlatshahi, another lawyer, believes Swift lacks legal grounds but warns Sweeney about potential financial pressure from a lengthy legal battle.

Despite differing legal perspectives, many seem to agree that Sweeney’s actions fall within legal boundaries. Ultimately, the decision to continue tracking Swift’s jet rests with Sweeney.

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In short:

  • College student faces potential lawsuit from Taylor Swift for publicly tracking her private jet.
  • Student’s lawyer dismisses legal threat as unfounded and based on publicly available data.
  • Legal experts offer diverging opinions, though many support the student’s position.
  • Student holds the final decision on whether to continue tracking.
Joe Frank
Joe Frank
Joe Frank is a Blogger, story writer who writes mostly for the US websites. He has in depth knowledge of the Hollywood and celebrity industry and share the latest news through his writing.

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