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New York
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Bitcoin Emits Less Than Gold and Many Industries

Bitcoin mining, once heavily criticized for its environmental impact, has cleaned up its act. New data shows its carbon footprint is lower than many industries, including gold mining.

Key findings:

  • Emissions intensity (carbon dioxide per unit of energy) down 52% in four years.
  • Bitcoin’s footprint smaller than the banking sector and many other industries.
  • Estimated yearly emissions lower than gold mining, ranking Bitcoin 63rd globally.
  • Over 50% of Bitcoin mining uses sustainable energy, making it a leader in clean power adoption.

Also Read: Spot Bitcoin ETF Fee Wars Heat Up as Industry Players Slash Charges

Shifting to clean energy:

  • Miners prefer cheaper and cleaner energy sources like renewables due to economic benefits.
  • This boosts network security by increasing the hash rate.

Bitcoin’s green transformation could address a major criticism and attract wider support.

Ravi Bora
Ravi Bora
Ravi Bora is a financial blogger with a keen eye for market trends. With a passion for finance, investments, the stock market, and cryptocurrencies, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his reporting.

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