On Thursday, the star of the reality television show Welcome to Sweetie Pie was sentenced to life in jail.

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Tim Norman Gets Life in Prison

By Joe Frank

This was due to his role in the murder-for-hire scheme that resulted in the killing of his nephew, according to a news statement from the Department of Justice.

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On September 16, a jury found Norman, 43, guilty of conspiracy to conduct murder for pay, murder for hire, and other charges.

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2016 fatal shooting of 20-year-old Andre Montgomery Jr. involved a conspiracy to conduct mail and wire fraud.

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Tim Norman gave the public a certain impression, but underlying lay more nefarious plans according to the Deputy US Attorney.

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The reality series that aired on the Oprah Winfrey Network for nine seasons included both Norman and Montgomery.

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The show, which aired from 2011 to 2018, focused on Norman's mother Robbie Montgomery's family, and Sweetie Pie's soul food restaurant.

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Prosecutors testified at the trial that Norman plotted with others to murder Montgomery to collect $450,000 from a life insurance policy.

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Notwithstanding the evidence against him and his conviction, Norman has maintained his innocence.

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Tim expressed his shock and wrote "#innocent" in the description of an Instagram image he made last week.

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