Bae Jin Young one of the five members was lately the target of allegations that he was being bullied by other CIX members.

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CIX made their debut with C9 Entertainment in July 2019 and has received recognition for their stellar performances.

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A clip found by the fans of the group where people in the audience started throwing things at Bae Jin Young instead of all of them.

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More footage were altered to make it appear as though the CIX member was being prevented from speaking.

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Kim Jaehwan a fan posted a video on his Instagram story about the bullying allegations against Bae Jin Young.

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Agency came forward saying that he felt sorry towards his fellow Wanna One member who involved in such an issue.

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The company checked the facts and concluded that it was maliciously edited to create an issue that did not exist.

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The concert organisers have been requested to file a case against the first member who made the video.

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C9 Entertainment stated that the objects thrown on stage reminded attendees of the prohibited items and actions.

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The agency also intends to take legal action against YouTube channels that continue to spread false information.

Image credit: Getty images

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