Fox was detained after the NYPD executed a search order in connection with an investigation into ghost firearms and drugs.

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Christopher Fox Arrested

Christopher Fox Arrested

By James Dan

The brother of actress-model Julia Fox ("Uncut Gems"), Christopher Fox, was detained on a number of drug and weapon-related allegations.

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According to a statement from an NYPD spokesperson, "the Ghost Gun Unit seized many Ghost Gun parts, as well as equipment for pressing narcotics pills."

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The crew discovered pressure cookers and other substances that were considered to be non-hazardous and utilized to create drugs.

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Christopher Fox was accused of constructing a machine gun, a rapid-fire mod device, and drug paraphernalia.

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The official further stated that there is "no obvious relation to terrorism" and that "the matter is thought to be contained." A thorough investigation is in progress.

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Two people, including Fox, were detained "as part of a continuous criminal investigation." The other person's identity was not made public in the Police statement.

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The Manhattan District Attorney's Office did not respond to a request for comment regarding Fox's custody situation on Thursday

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According to a news release, Ghost guns are firearms without serial numbers, making them hard to track down and simple for criminals to get.

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