Scarcity of semiconductors, rising material and energy prices, and other factors will have a negative impact on profit.

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Continental expects lower profit

By James Dan

Despite this, the company Continental AG still expects to have a positive year in terms of sales and profits.

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On Wednesday, the German auto parts supplier posted a net profit of 66.6 million euros ($70.8 million) for the entire year, down from EUR1.44 billion the year before.

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Compared to 2021, adjusted earnings before interest and taxes were 1.95 billion euros, down from 2021's 1.85 billion euros.

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The equivalent margin decreased from 5.5% to 5% from the prior year and Revenue increased from 33.77 billion to 39.41 billion euros.

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Chief Executive Officer Nikolai Setzer claimed that the conflict against Ukraine resulted in higher pricing for energy, raw materials, semi-finished goods, and logistics.

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Chief Executive Officer Nikolai Setzer stated, "Despite experiencing obstacles, we reached our sales and profitability forecast for the group.

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Continental stated that it anticipates revenues of between EUR 42 and EUR 45 billion for 2023, with an adjusted EBIT margin of around 5.5% to 6.5%.

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In comparison to the previous year, the business indicated it will propose a dividend of EUR1.50 per share.

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