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Story By Joe Frank

Dce 03 2023

David Mamet Stands Firm: Dialogue-Free Films Can Be Enjoyable

Playwright David Mamet reiterates his belief that films don't need dialogue to be enjoyable.

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He debated this perspective with Bill Maher on the latest episode of Real Time.

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Mamet argues that people watch movies in translation or with subtitles, often without understanding the dialogue.

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He suggests that viewers can follow movies with the sound off, even on an airplane, without difficulty.

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Maher points out that some movies may be challenging to follow without dialogue, to which Mamet responds humorously.

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The conversation delves into Mamet's caring approach to audience engagement in his work.

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Maher highlights Mamet's dedication to keeping the audience interested in each scene.

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Mamet draws from his experience with a theater company, emphasizing the importance of maintaining audience attention.

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The playwright acknowledges that he writes dialogue because it serves the purpose of interesting the audience.

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Mamet shares insights into the iterative process of writing for the audience and learning from their reactions.

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In promoting his book, "Everywhere an Oink Oink," Mamet challenges viewers to reconsider the necessity of dialogue in movies.

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Next story: "How Much Michelle Williams Got To Attend Red Sea Film Festival?"

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