However they do not protect against HIV or other STDs.

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By James Dan

The effectiveness of birth control pills is up to 99.9%

There are numerous non-hormonal birth control options available, including "the pill"-like hormonal birth control.

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According to Dr. Pratima Thamke, birth control pills are "combination tablets," which combine the oestrogen and progesterone hormones to prevent ovulation.

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Dr. Pratima Thamke says conception cannot take place if a female does not ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilised.

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The pill also works by thickening the mucus around the cervix, which makes it more difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and reach any released eggs.

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Although hormonal birth control is more successful than other types of birth control, the majority of people believe that its only purpose is to prevent pregnancy.

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Hormonal birth control has risks as well. The good and negative side effects of medication have varying effects on each individual.

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Birth control pills lessen menstrual cramps and are used to treat endometriosis to keep it under control.

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Hormonal contraception may even lower your chances of endometrial, colorectal and ovarian cancer

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Women who use the oral contraceptive pill may raise their risk of breast and cervical cancer.

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Some women who use contraceptives may experience depression and mood fluctuations.

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Hormones in birth control medications can occasionally cause unexpected hair growth in women.

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