Hugh Jackman Undergoes Two Biopsies for Skin Cancer

Image credit: Getty images

Story by Joe Frank 

4th April 2023

Hugh Jackman shared that he has undergone two biopsies on his nose for skin cancer.

Image credit: hugh jackman instagram

In a Instagram video, Hugh Jackman is explaining why he currently has bandages on his nose.

video credit: hugh jackman instagram

Hugh advised his fans to wear sunscreen. he says it is just not worth it, no matter how much you want a tan.

Image credit: Getty images

He informed via Instagram that basal cell in the world of skin cancers is the least dangerous of all.

Image credit: Getty images

The 54-year-old Wolverine star explained that he is paying the price now for his behaviour as a youngster.

Image credit: Getty images

So far Hugh Jackman has had around six procedures, the first skin cancer removed was in 2013.

Image credit: Getty images

He won the Guinness World Record for "longest career as a live-action Marvel character" for his role in the X-Men.

Image credit: Getty images

Hugh Jackman married Deborra-Lee Furness on 11 April 1996, they currently live in New York.

Image credit: Getty images

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