Say Goodbye to Springtime Allergies with These Tips

Image credit: canva images

By James Dan

April 09 2023

Many who are allergic have started to have a runny nose or itchy eyes in recent weeks.

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It's a spring time and many hence allergies emerge, affecting millions across the U.S.

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There are several options when it comes to prevention or treatment you can do to prevent the misery.

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Doctors recommend to keep your windows closed, to minimize your exposure to seasonal allergies.

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Stay indoors on dry and windy days when the pollen count is high. Avoid outdoor activities like gardening during peak pollen season.

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Investing in an air purifier, and don't re-wear clothes during this season.

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There are a number of over-the-counter medications which are very effective for the treatment of allergies.

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But the best long-term management for allergy is injection therapy or allergy shots.

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