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Saudi Arabia’s Shocking Move: 264 Nigerians Deported! Find Out Why?

In a recent twist of events, Saudi Arabia has issued an official statement elucidating the rationale behind the repatriation of Nigerian nationals from the sovereign Saudi Kingdom.

According to the latest update from DAILY POST, a staggering 264 passengers found themselves confronted with the abrupt cancellation of their visas upon touchdown at the bustling King Abdulaziz International Airport, situated in the resplendent Hajj Terminal Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, precisely on the 13th day of November in the year 2023.

In response to this unfolding saga, the Federal Government of Nigeria has, in a bid to maintain serenity amidst the turmoil of deportations, implored its citizens to remain composed.

Adding another layer to the narrative, the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Abuja took the podium on Wednesday to shed light on the intricate circumstances surrounding this perplexing situation.

A meticulously worded statement from the embassy articulated, “The individuals who found themselves barred from entry, subsequently making a return journey to their initial destinations, failed to meet the stringent entry conditions and requirements set forth by the Kingdom, as per the governing rules and regulations.”

“The deportees, in their search for a visa category, provided inaccurate information that proved incompatible upon their arrival at the majestic Kingdom,” the statement emphasized, emphasizing the intricacies of the situation.

The embassy continued emphasizing with a sense of dignity, “It is necessary to emphasize the importance of abiding by the rigorous laws and procedures that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has meticulously instituted for all those who traverse its borders.”

In addition, it stated, “Before setting out on their journey to the Kingdom, all passengers are sincerely encouraged to carefully review their documents and make sure they comply with all requirements.”

The embassy released a broad statement stating that this strict procedural policy did not only apply to citizens of Nigeria but also to citizens of other countries, highlighting the need for these strict regulations to be implemented globally.

Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee reports news regarding politics and sports worldwide. He has interest in local U.S. news also and try to provide the content as soon as it happens.

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