NBA Rivalries: Less Animosity, More Camaraderie

NBA Rivalries: Less Animosity
Photo credit: David Liam Kyle/NBAE via Getty Images.

NBA rivalries have always been a driving force – Lakers vs. Celtics, Jordan’s Bulls vs. Pistons. However, the league currently lacks the same level of intense competition compared to the past.

While there have been attempts to create rivalries, like LeBron James vs. Stephen Curry, mutual respect overshadows animosity.

Devin Booker, on The Old Man and the Three podcast, attributes this shift to players knowing each other from a young age through grassroots basketball. This familiarity breeds understanding and reduces the hostility that fueled past rivalries.

Unlike iconic rivalries where players didn’t meet outside of the NBA, today’s players view the league as a brotherhood. They compete fiercely on the court, but a sense of camaraderie and respect prevails.

This change doesn’t imply a lack of toughness. Players acknowledge the immense effort required to reach and maintain their position. Additionally, the potential consequences of injuring another player further discourages overly aggressive behavior.

While individual personalities still exist, there’s a general recognition of the shared journey and struggles faced by all players in the league. This shift towards mutual respect seems like the new normal.

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