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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Westhill Girls’ Volleyball Wins With a Balanced Offense Against Liverpool

In a thrilling girls’ volleyball game outside of the regular league on Monday, the Westhill girls’ volleyball wins by demonstrating a versatile game plan that secured them an exciting 3-2 win against Liverpool.

Westhill, with an impressive 9-1 record, is getting ready to host Skaneateles (9-0) in an eagerly awaited match in the Onondaga High School Liberty Division, which is scheduled for Tuesday.

Coach Karla Prince credited several key factors for the success of this intense five-set match. She highlighted their smart and balanced offensive strategy, as well as their disciplined handling of serves. She expressed her pride in the team’s performance and pointed out the exceptional variety of offensive options they have.

The dynamic offensive contributions came from Brynn Schneider, Sofia Dimovski, Eva Tarolli, and Alison Lancette, each recording eight kills. Jocelyn Caputo contributed seven, and Ava Baty added four, totaling an impressive 43 kills as a team.

Prince stressed how crucial it was that the team consistently received serves well throughout the match, highlighting their teamwork and dedication. She praised their ability to handle pressure, saying, “Our ‘bros’ make it look easy out there.”

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Contributing to the team’s strong performance, Sydney Medeiros made an impressive 15 digs, while Sophia Johnson, Dimovski, and Alice Bender each added 11 digs to boost the team’s defensive efforts.

The match ended with a display of determination as freshman Sophia Johnson stepped up to serve and seal the victory, showing remarkable composure under pressure.

Westhill’s next challenge is the highly anticipated match against Skaneateles. Coach Prince conveyed the team’s excitement and motivation for the upcoming game, emphasizing how their previous experiences in tournaments and high-stakes matches have improved their endurance, resilience, and ball control, allowing them to excel in tough sets and draw leadership from every player on the team.

Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee reports news regarding politics and sports worldwide. He has interest in local U.S. news also and try to provide the content as soon as it happens.

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