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Joe Biden Brings an End to Covid-19 National Emergency Status

On Monday, 10th of April 2023, the  U.S. President Joe Biden has ended the Covid-19 national emergency after three years by signing a GOP-led resolution.

End of Covid-19 National Emergency Status

The news of closing the ‘Covid-19 National Emergency’ came into public after the issuing of a notice by “The White House”. The White House issued a notice in which they wrote: Biden has signed the bill for ending the covid-19 national emergency status after a long duration of three years.

When and Why was Covid-19 National Emergency Declared?

The  Covid-19 national emergency was first declared as the ‘Public Health Emergency’ by Alex Azar on 31st January 2020. But later onwards, the former President Donald Trump declared it as a ‘Covid-19 National Emergency’ on 13th of March 2020, in respond to Covid-19 pandemic. Later on when the Joe Biden joined the White House, he added few more emergency powers to fight back with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now, at present, the Biden has put an end on the ‘Covid-19 National Emergency’ Status on 10th of April, which allowed the U.S. government to support the Country’s medical welfare system.

Project NextGen

In last three years, millions of people died in the U.S. due to Covid-19 and around thousand of people died in the last week of April alone. As the Biden has put an end on the Covid-19 emergency, on the other hand, he also started working on the vaccine for the future combat.

For Project NextGen, $5 billion of fund is being allocated. Biden’s project ‘NextGen’ will not only help in the development of the vaccines for the future generation but also help in the treatment through collaborations.

Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee reports news regarding politics and sports worldwide. He has interest in local U.S. news also and try to provide the content as soon as it happens.

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