Extremist Attacked 2 NYPD Officers on New Year Eve with Knife Near Time Square

Extremist Attacked 2 NYPD Officers on New Year Eve
Photo by Gotham/GC Images


  • 19-year-old Travis, an extremist attacked 2 NYPD officers on New Year Eve.
  • Recently converted to Islam Travis developed radical extremist views says the report.

Trevor Bickford a 19-year-old who recently converted himself to Islam attacked 2 NYPD officers on New Year’s Eve in New York. A rookie officer was on his first night of policing when he was slashed by Trevor as he signaled the other officer nearby to shoot Bickford.

The attack was made by an Islamic extremist with a knife, a photo of which was released by Keechant Sewell the police Commissioner of NYC. The knife was 18 inches long according to the report. It injured three officers after which Trevor was shot in the shoulder.

Note written to the family read:

The extremist also had a note written to his family which read, “Repent to Allah and accept Islam. “To my family – specifically, mother – I’m sorry for not having been a good enough son,” the note says. “I fear greatly that you will not repent to Allah. And therefore, I hold in my heart that a piece of you believes so that you may be taken out to the hell fire.” 

Trevor has 2 brothers Devon and Travis, of whom Devon is in the Marines. Bickford, writes to his brother, Devon, who is in the Marines: “there was a time when we were close, but that time has passed. You have joined the ranks of my enemy. And for that, I can give you no kind words – return to Allah.”

He further addresses Travis: “Of anyone I’ve known whom I have felt is closest to faith it’s you. Of anyone I’ve ever wanted to accept Islam with me, it’s you. Please repent to Allah and accept Islam. I fear for you,” Bickford allegedly wrote. 

It is being questioned as to whether the 19-year-old who has radical Islamic views obtained it through his online activities. Further, as per sources, he had traveled to NYC and checked in at Bowery mission just days before the attack, he also carried religious materials and $200 along with the note.

It was also told that Bickford was being watched by the FBI’s counter-terrorism task force before the attack. It was also noted that after getting converted to Islam he wanted to go to Afghanistan and expressed his will to do so.

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